Org mode TODO from cellphone 2

1 Motivations

  1. This is an update to a post that I wrote some days ago where I described how you can simply add emacs org mode notes from whatever device able to send an email without using any apps using IFTTT.
  2. IFTTT created a new, very useful, app for Android and Apple mobile devices which is called DO note. You can use it to trigger a recipe just by writing text on your device and by clicking a button which is even simpler and faster than sending an email;

2 Software used

3 What to do

3.1 Connect your Dropbox account to IFTTT

3.2 Download the DO notes app

3.3 Use DO note to trigger the recipe introduced in the previous article

IFTTT Recipe: Add TODO to a orgmode file connects email to dropbox

3.4 Use a linux script to copy the notes to your org file


cat ~/Dropbox/ifttt/Email/mobile_todo.txt >> ~/Dropbox/org/

cat /dev/null > ~/Dropbox/ifttt/Email/mobile_todo.txt

I run this script automatically every time that I turn on my computer.

Date: 2015-03-20 09:46:24 CET

Author: falematte

Org version 7.8.02 with Emacs version 23

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